Bracketing Exercise:
loose quality when you reduce ISO
this exercise looks at depth of field and aperature
2 Exercises:
move aperture not the shutter speed
f11 aperature, speed 1/250
change aperature
f11, f8, f5.6 over expose
f11, f16, f22 under expose
2. pick aperature (middleish f11)
cloudy day today, exposure will vary
don't change apaerature, change shutter speed
f11 aperature, speed 1/250
WANT 0 on exposure (not too close to + or -)
then over expose by a stop (make it slower so more light has time to go into the camera)
half and double idea - start at 1/250 2nd 1/125 1/500 1/1000
over and under expose twice (two stops over)
- aperature and shutter speed relaive to what you are pointing at
- midtones, shadow areas and highlight areas
- matrix on average metre (not spot)
- averagae exposure for scene results
- move 1/3 of a stop not one stop, because they are digital!
- The result is greater range of exposures!
- +/- button changes the shtterspeed/aperature depending on camera and wheel
Depth of field does not change when you change ISO, its controlled by your aperture, so when you go from f9 to f16 there will be things out of focus, because depth of field is adjusted.
Change shutterspeed instead (1/???) because it won't change depth of field when you do bracketing! If you way something that's far away play with shutter speed not aperture!
Bracketing Exercise in Practice 07/06/2013:
f/11 ISO 200 1/100
I think with more time this technique would be really good to play around with and use in my photography! I think it's an effective way of ensuring you get the right exposure and can manipulate the photographs without having to go back and reshoot because you stuffed up the exposure. You get to use the best of everything to create one image which is evenly balanced and toned. I think this is clever and I'd like to use it in the future with my photography.
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